
This blog really is just the rantings, ramblings and what not of my own mind. *****Please be aware this blog is listed with the most recent post at the top so reading from top to bottom is a bit like reading a book backwards.

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Location: Anderson, California, United States

I'm a single mother of boy/girl twins. My first born is my cat Princess. I love my life (most of the time). I wake up every morning Grateful to be alive and healthy. Thank You God For Everything!!

Monday, June 06, 2005

First Entry

I've never written a blog before. This is my first. It seems odd but intriguing to write something of not much interest that people anywhere can read. When I initially decided to start blogging, I thought I might post some of my poetry. I used to write a lot of poetry, but the well seems like it has dried up. I read somewhere that if everyone who wrote poetry liked other people's poems as much as their own, the poetry industry would be the largest industry in the country. It seems I'm not in the minority when I read other people's poems and shrug then. I like Kerouac though. Cody Pomeray is amazing... "you know the hero wouldn't look like that in real unreality". What a line! Growing up on Shel Silverstein is what got me started. Reading his works in the third and fourth grade, I thought, that can't be hard, and started writing.

a poem can be about anything
it usually tells what you're feeling
it gives you a chance to open up
without anyone to interrupt
except, sometimes you do run into problems
like, um, what the hell rhymes with problems?

In high school, my friends used to say I should write for playboy, but I never tried. It seemed too weird somehow.
Love Or Sex?
to men
love oozes from a gland
and lubricates
the narrow hallway
towards the guarded door
behind which two souls
bump into each other
and fumble around
in embracing darkness
for the elusive light switch
to turn on

Did I forget to mention I'm a woman? I am. Anyway, another favorite of some I wrote after this guy dumped me. I was trying to figure out why I couldn't just move on and get him out of my head. This was the result.
I still hear the pulse of you
I still feel the moist of you
I still taste the salt of you
I still smell the sex of you
I still see the form of you
I still move the rhythm of you
inside me

Then in college, it turned into something a little more depressing.
Another Friday Night
empty chamber
apartment door
I sit in silence
my own captor
the train goes by
Hello, Goodbye
the crickets sing
the highway hums
I wait around
but no one comes
Or uplifting depending on how much sleep deprecation I had gone through.
it's quiet here inside my mind
myself is all I seem to find
nobody's here inside with me
without their pressures, I simply be
I like this place, it's very clear
it's a treasure I hold very dear
I wish you could visit
I wish you could see
I wish I could share
this place within me
But this is my center
this is where I stand
let me stay here awhile
then I'll take your hand
I don't know if any of it is really any good. I like it even if 90% of it is rhyming couplets which seems to drive most people crazy. I've been published at least twice. Both of which were not my best effort, neither of which I have written here.
I'm surprised that I started off with poetry. Movies are what really brought me here. I was reading Kevin Smith's "My Boring Ass Life" blog. A link lead me to a link which had me ending up here. I'm a big movie fan. Other people's imagination and/or creativity fascinates me. I see stuff like Ben's monologue in Chasing Amy, you know, the one in the suv. I think to myself, where is that guy? Not Ben Affleck, I'm sure I could buy a star map or something and find him, I'm talking about the guy who has the looks, heart and verbal skills to pull off a monologue like that. One that breaks your heart into a million shards and turns a gay girl straight (or bi as the case may be). Not that I'm gay or bi or think that Chasing Amy isn't just a great display of fiction. But man, guys like Holden are few and far between. Perhaps that's why I live alone with my cat, Princess Belle. I guess this is enough of a start. I will be interesting to see if anyone actually reads this. Now I know why the Director's commentary on DVD's usually make some comment on how whatever goof they just said probably won't matter as nobody is probably listening. I am though.


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