
This blog really is just the rantings, ramblings and what not of my own mind. *****Please be aware this blog is listed with the most recent post at the top so reading from top to bottom is a bit like reading a book backwards.

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Location: Anderson, California, United States

I'm a single mother of boy/girl twins. My first born is my cat Princess. I love my life (most of the time). I wake up every morning Grateful to be alive and healthy. Thank You God For Everything!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My Boring Ass Life

I tried to google "My Boring Ass Life" today to see if a link to this site would be brought up since I mentioned it and the amazing Kevin Smith in my last entry (emphasis on last try, the en should really be silent). It didn't work. I am now convinced that due to the overwhelming amount of bloggs out there, this will never be found and if not found, not read. This gives me lots of freedom to write but nothing of interest to write about. Sorry if you stumbled onto this page after all, because it is officially all down hill from here. And after only one (now two) entries, amazing.
First of all, I recently moved up here from So Cal OC. I grew up in Redding (Nor Cal) and always thought it would be nice to live in the mountains. Even though I dislike So Cal tremendously, it is currently 40 something degrees outside my house and 57 degrees inside my house. I wouldn't mind the warmth So Cal has to offer right now. I haven't figured out where to get heating oil yet because I've never had to do that before. I thought, hey, it's spring now, what do I need a heater for? Tonight's numb fingers and toes have convinced me to look through all 20 yellow pages and figure something out.
If anyone were ever to read this, they might wonder why I would move to Southern California's beautiful Orange County in the first place if I dislike it so much? My grandma lived in So Cal and had a stroke. Since we all live in Nor Cal and beyond, I decided to move down there to help take care of her. It all seems pretty noble, and I guess if you subtract all of my personal selfish reasons, then I suppose it was pretty noble. Basically, I'd moved in with my boyfriend of the time in Ferndale, CA. If you don't know Ferndale but it still sounds familiar, it's where they filmed "Out Break" (the monkey movie) and "The Majestic" (Jim Carrey's flop that I liked because I watched in wonder as they built the Majestic Theater over Ferndale's only parking lot) as well as parts of "Stand By Me" (River Phoenix was a dream boat, although his brother, Joaquin isn't someone I would kick out of bed for eating crackers either). Skywalker Ranch is about 3 or so hours south and Fern Canyon (where they filmed the Jurassic Park opening) is about an hour north outside Orick. But everyone knows it best because it is in Humboldt County. When I worked as a cab driver in Newport Beach (CA) even people from Australia and Ireland knew, some how, that Humboldt has the finest weed on the planet. I wouldn't know, I don't smoke anything but tobacco (Camel Lights). But I digress.... My Ferndale boyfriend and I broke up just after that famous day in September but we were still living together as "friends" (translation: neither of us had anywhere else to go and neither of us could afford to live on our own). So when my grandma had her stroke in October of that year, I volunteered to move down to Orange County to "help out", knowing full well the family would help pay for my relocation. Which they did. I took her to her appointments, the grocery store, hair dresser, everywhere. I couldn't live with her because she still insisted on her independence. But the family felt good that someone related and reliable was there to look out for grandma and helped me pay for stuff in return. Never mind the fact that I loved her to pieces and thought she was the greatest asset our family ever had. I figure it all worked out. Grandma died with me at her bed side. The first and only time I've ever watched someone die, which was weird but still glad I was there. She just stopped breathing and I knew she was no longer in the room even though she was staring right at me. Now she's free of her stroke disabilities and I'm free of Southern California. I will not miss the freeways, the evening news or the overwhelming amount of people, everywhere. Right now though, I miss the warmth and the endless sound of the ocean. I learned something interesting (to me at least), wind in palm trees sounds like rain where as wind through pine trees sounds like a creek or rushing water and finally, wind through oak trees sounds more like a water fall or class three rapids.
I remember when I talked to my mom on the phone about me becoming a cab driver. My mom graduated from college in 1957. She worked for four years a secretary (a job a friend of the family got her) before becoming a house wife and eventually a stay-at-home-mother. No disrespect to the life she chose, but she doesn't have a very real picture of the current world market on jobs for women. She said the funniest thing I've ever heard her say. Paraphrasing a bit she said that I have had so many different kinds of jobs, it would be fun if I wrote them all down sometime. I said something to the effect of "what, like a list with names and dates and stuff?"
"Yes, wouldn't that be interesting". My reply was that I had done just such a thing, it's called a resume. She called me a smart ass and ended the conversation. Truth be told, I used to keep track of all that but through different cities and moves, I lost track. Now I basically make it all up. Not the jobs themselves or how much I got paid, just when I worked them. Just to see if anyone's still reading and they think it is interesting too, I'll show you a list of all the places I've worked and/or Companies I worked for. I'll save you and me the made up part of dates though.

Before I get to the paying gigs, I did a little voluneer work. YMCA camp counselor. Docent at Carter House Natural Science Museum (now Turtle Bay Museum next to a very expensive multi million dollar sundial). Whiskytown Environmental Camp counselor. RSI teen youth advisor. RCRS bookstore clerk. And stuff I don't usually count for the SCA Barony of Allyshia.

Der Wienerschnitzel- comments include the fact that I had to wear a shirt that said "I cop a wienerdude attitude!" and we had a rat that we never caught living in the back who like hot dog buns. His name was Mike. We figured Mickey was too obvious to customers.

Straw Hat Pizza- comments include my dad paying me to quit because they wouldn't give me Christmas off and he didn't like me going up to stranger's houses. I took the offer.

8th grade tutor-even though I got a couple D's myself in 8th grade. This kid passed because I found out he was failing on purpose. His cousins told him that skinny small kids like him got shot in High School and he was afraid to go. I showed him my year book, told him some fun stories and helped him catch up in school. Personally I hated most high school, but I didn't tell him that.

Snack Bar Queen @ Shasta cavern's on Lake Shasta- I got fired because I found out they were stealing money from the guy who actually owns it and lives back east. The managers over charge for tickets, keeping the difference as well as other schemes. That's not their story of course. It was only a summer gig anyway and it sucked. The view was spectacular though.

Nanny in Ventura, CA- despite my best efforts, the kid grew up to be a great man. I got fired when he told his mom that he wished I was his mom instead. Mom wised up and decided she needed to spend more time with him instead of having a nanny. Good move. He still listens to the Violent Femms (which I introduced to him) and last I heard was trying to get into LA film school.

Wharehouse- a music and video store. Some genius had the idea of the slogan "where? the wharehouse". This job was back in Redding after the nanny gig didn't work out.

I ended up getting picked out of like, 10,000 applicants, to go to Moorpark jr College's Exotic Animal Training and Management program. It is a two year degree, I lasted one. But I couldn't go back to Redding a second time so..

Security Guard for Courtesy Security (which went out of business, can't think why?)- I guarded the car lots in Simi Valley. One night I found myself holding the car keys to a pimped out, one of a kind $80,000+ Toyota Celica or something like that. I sat there for several minutes alone in the dark thinking $80,000 or $10 an hour?

Wharehouse-this time in Chico, CA. Wooooh Paarrrttty!!! Chico was at the beginning of a line of College towns I would move to even though I didn't ever attend a University. Wharehouse got hit pretty hard with two big whammies at once. The Northridge Earthquake destroyed a bunch of their stores at a total loss and a cargo airplane, full of their crap, went down. I think they too are out of business.

Vector aka CutCo Knives-worst job ever, best product ever.

BlockBuster Video aka Ballbuster Video or sometimes Lackluster because they edit movies for content without telling their customers - Best no-paying job I ever had. I loved every minute. Sit around all day playing "stupid customer" (you know that movie that has that guy in it? or where are your new releases? and my favorite, what's a good movie? Answer being, of course, a movie that you liked unless you liked Anaconda or some crap like that, then you're another stupid customer we would make fun of later). Also it was the only place I could acceptably play film critic and people would listen. It's amazing how quickly someone will put down a video if the clerk says "it doesn't suck" (my favorite answer for movies like Perl Harbor and Independence Day. From me it was high praise for something I didn't care for but people seemed to like). Plus I could geek out on films and film details in a time before DVD where the Director now points stuff out. Did you ever notice the camera crew in "Chasing Amy" reflecting in the store window? I did.

Newspaper delivery- Times Standard I think. Chico's local paper. I did this at the same time as Ballbusters because I wasn't making enough money to pay rent AND buy food even though I worked there full time.

American Star Security- I moved to Eureka, CA (Humboldt). I had all kinds of post here. My first was the dump from sunset to sun rise on week days and all day on weekends. It had been closed down. It was one of the only post I ever had where I was allowed to fall asleep in my truck if I wanted. I found it more interesting to put out a bag of cat food each night an watch the animals come visit. That was until I had a Black Bear on the hood of my truck who was quite upset that I didn't have anymore food. Lesson Children is Don't Feed The Bears! This is also the job where I met ex-Beatle Ringo Star and his lovely wife. Not at the dump though, this was at the local concert hall/roller skating rink. You know you should give up the drums when you're playing in Eureka, unless you came for the weed? I still can't believe I was on a team guarding him.

Snack Bar Queen- this time for the Eureka Zoo. I met and became friends with one of the keepers who actually graduated from Moorpark jr College's E.A.T.M. program. She let me help her with the animals sometimes and we swapped war stories. This time I got to feed bears behind bars, which is much safer. Alas, another summer job though.

Newspaper delivery- Enterprise Record, I think. I could have the two paper names switched.

KOA Kamp Ground- Klever ain't it? I did get to see Woody Harrelson there. Now there was a star lookin' for weed.

UPS- Christmas gig tossing boxes. If you ever wanted to play a 3D Tetris game on crack, work for UPS. The plus side includes great pay, union benefits and you never have to go to a gym. The negative side it that you need that great pay and benefits for when you can't work any more due to muscle ache and back strain.

STT Security- (which stands for Stop That Thief Security) Bayshore Mall Security if you can believe it. I saw "Mall Rats" and took the job anyway. It paid well for the area, and I liked the Bayshore "Rats" anyway. Most of them were retired who'd come down to get out of the house and walk. They'd sit/walk around with their styrofoam Burger King cups all day so they could get free refills. I guess the teenagers were all at home smokin' weed or something.

Ocean View/Sunset Memorial Park-cemetery and funeral preneed sales. In today's world, it's a great idea. Most people pay for big expenses a little at a time anyway, which you can't do once someone has died, so why not? I didn't convince enough people of that idea though.

9/11 happened so I went back to security-Pinkerton- the term "Private Eye" comes from their slogan way back when the company started. I worked airport security at the massive complex of the Eureka/Arcada Airport (they have 2 gates. One arriving and one departing), which is located in Mckinlyville. After the government decided not to trust private security with the task of airport security, Pinkerton moved me to the lumber mills. Mill C had been shut down and was abandoned so I had a lot of time to myself. It's the only place I ever worked that actually looked like a Horror Movie set. The only thing I had to really keep an eye out for though was the Mt. Lion (cougar, panther, puma, depending on what part of the country you're from) that liked to hunt the deer, sheep and goats in the farm land surrounding the mill. She was beautiful to watch but I would have felt safer if I didn't have to walk a round after watching her go by.

Pinkerton- yes again. I moved to So Cal and transferred with them. After the 9/11 stuff had cooled off though, they laid me off.

U.S. Security Associates Inc.- I went from security guard to post commander to administrative assistant. I hated most of this job because a lot of people wouldn't show up so I worked a lot of double and triple shifts and it interfered with helping my grandma.

A Taxi- Cab driver. Female cab driver. The owner of the place is actually named Hussein. First name though, not last. I'd hang outside the Newport Beach bars at night. Women would hop in my cab, do a double take and say either "hey, you're a woman!" or "Thank God you're a woman!" if it was the second one I would usually respond with "Every morning I wake up and say the same thing!" Forget the taxi cab confessions (which a lot of people would bring up), this job gave me stories I could tell for the rest of my life. You know that guy from "Jackass" on MTV? When he's drunk, he really is a jackass and not in a crazy stupid stunt kinda way but in a hey baby, wanna party kinda way. Towards the end of the summer, I'd met so many people from Ireland, I asked a new arrival if there was anyone still left back at home on the island. I only had two guys try to show me their "bits and pieces" thank god. At least now I know where the term comes from. It was sort of sad having a drunk man as a fare. He struck out at the bars and now he has a woman taking him home that won't give him the time of day. Bummer. My biggest tip was from a woman who had called for a cab. She and her husband were fighting in an empty parking lot when I pulled up and I was pretty sure he was going to hit her. I honked the horn and pulled up fast giving him the impression that I was going to hit him causing him to jump back even though I stopped 10 feet away. I held up my cell and told him to leave before I called the cops, which if you know Newport Beach Cops, this is a very real threat. When I finally got her into the cab and calmed her down enough to find out where I was taking her, an hour had passed, which in cab terms is a lot of money and I didn't have the meter running. Long story short.... I took her to her million plus home with the ocean view, an $11 fare, she paid it with her husband's credit card. $1,000. Ah, the life of the rich and richer of OC. No wonder that county has it's own TV show.

Currently unemployed. My mom, god bless her, says I'm trying to live like an heiress but I am actually trying to find work. On what's in the bank, I have about the rest of this year before I'm destitute. Thank God the real Nor Cal is still cheap. So if you know anyone hiring.........


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