
This blog really is just the rantings, ramblings and what not of my own mind. *****Please be aware this blog is listed with the most recent post at the top so reading from top to bottom is a bit like reading a book backwards.

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Location: Anderson, California, United States

I'm a single mother of boy/girl twins. My first born is my cat Princess. I love my life (most of the time). I wake up every morning Grateful to be alive and healthy. Thank You God For Everything!!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

No New Messages

People used to ask me why I didn't have a cell phone. My theory is, if your answering machine at home always says zero messages and your email always says "no new messages" then why would I pay an extra $40 a month to remind myself everyday that nobody is trying to get a hold of me? I had a cell phone when I was a cab driver, but that was for work. No work, no cell. It's that simple. I've always been the kind of person that meets people easily. My mom always says that I don't know any strangers. I haven't had trouble making friends since grade school. My problem is moving. It seems that every 6 months or so, I have a new address and phone number. Every 3 or 4 years, I'm in a new town. It's never been on purpose. Everytime I've moved I've told myself that this would be the last time until I buy a place of my own. When your young though, roommates come and go. Sometimes you can afford to stay and sometimes not. Whatever. The thing with all this moving around is I am continually rotating through new friends. I have a couple of old friends I IM with if they are on line, but currently, no one I know lives within my toll free calling area. I've met afew people since I've moved here. I know afew names and afew know my name so it's just a matter of time. I'm not worried or lonely although I am most definitely alone. In this case of not working and not getting out of the house except to go to my P.O. box (where 99% of the time it is empty) I end up sleeping. Last I slept 21 hours. If I could I would live in my dreams.

"The Last Action Hero" staring Arnie, had a great idea. They blew it, but it was a great idea. "Pleasantville" did a much better playing off the idea. The idea, of course, of going inside a fictional piece (such as a movie or tv show) and becoming a part of it. I used to just lay in bed and dream of going into shows like Star Trek Next Generation or Northern Exposure. I think it works best if you pick something that is set pretty much in one place. I mean James Bond and Jason Bourne seem like they're all over the map so how could you follow along from inside the story? Would it be like Sonic and Tails or Final Fantasy? Where ever the main character goes, the other is programmed to pretty much stay attached and follow? That would seem weird in a movie.

One of my long time old friends knows I hate driving to the post office to check my PO box because it is empty so much. She started sending me post cards that simply say, "Not empty today!" and her name. When I do find friends, it's always great to find good ones. She came by to give me a house warming present a couple of weeks ago. I took her to Burney Falls. I hadn't been since I was like, 10. I forgot how incredible it is. Gallons and gallons of water droplets bravely hurling themselves off a hundred and something foot cliff into a pool below. Of course Burney Falls also has a bonus feature. Because it goes over volcanic rock, some of that rock is porous so the chicken water can just seep through the walls on either side of the main falls and trickle down to safety. The overall effect is to take the average human being and make it put its camera or cell down just to watch quietly. Burney Falls is definitely something to see if you come to Nor Cal. Moss Berry Falls by Dunsmuir is also neat. It's more subtle than Burney Falls but I think prettier. Of course Moss Berry Falls is harder to get to. You have to walk up the railroad tracks some half mile. My friends and I would always sing "Stand By Me" sound track songs and the time goes quickly enough. Thankfully no dead bodies so far.

If I ever wrote a biography of my life, I think that would be a great title "No Dead Bodies So Far."


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