
This blog really is just the rantings, ramblings and what not of my own mind. *****Please be aware this blog is listed with the most recent post at the top so reading from top to bottom is a bit like reading a book backwards.

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Location: Anderson, California, United States

I'm a single mother of boy/girl twins. My first born is my cat Princess. I love my life (most of the time). I wake up every morning Grateful to be alive and healthy. Thank You God For Everything!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Ads By Google and Other Nonsence

First of all. Today, I'm checking Ramblings to see if I have any comments, which is, like, never, but I check anyway. The last entry was "Insanity" and the crawler for Ads By Google comes up with "How Romantic Are You". I must say, it's always good to start your day with a good laugh!

So last night I drove up to McArthur dropping off magazines for PrePaid Legal at various bulletin boards, post offices, restaurants, etc. Boy were the deer out last night!! It got me thinking about a study scientist published a few years back about rattle snakes. Apparently, because so many people have killed rattle snakes that rattled, the gene for not rattling is becoming more prevalent. So, you'd think there'd be a "crossing the highway gene" or something. I mean, if deer have been getting hit by cars for at least the last 60 years, you'd think that "natural selection" would mean that less deer are getting hit by cars. Apparently not.

On top of the fact that I nearly hit 2 deer, I was amazed how many people were still flying down the road. I'm all for the feeling you get when you're feeling the full engineering power/speed/control of a fancy shmancy new automobile, but a deer through your windshield has nothing to do with how well a vehicle handles curves and hills. Anyway, I gotta get back to work : )

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Have a wonderful day!


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