Mildly Fixated
The last couple of days I've been mildly fixated on the Ads By Google Crawler. I want to take a moment to indulge my inner curiosity and see if I can put words down that will make it come up with something more interesting than what it's been posting lately which is a ton of "blog" related ads, boring.
So here goes my attempt to mess with the crawlers silliness:
First off, my crawlers are bawlers when they
Hit the chair or the air or drink Nair
But words can be funnier than that
More funnier than an English Grammer Cat in the Hat
This isn't a poem or a fishing trip whopper
With cheese Royal show stoppers
But that's Chicago for ya....
Which reminds me
If a Lawyers job is to razzle dazzle
Then what razzle dazzle's them?
but I digress, at best
Spring time has Hitler on Ice
Pretty nice
even if it's not as big as his
I'm still headed down the road with a miracle
Ok, it sucks as a poem (I think) but I tried to put in different word groupings to attract better ads. I guess we'll see, and by that I mean me, what happens.
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