Comments defines comment as:
a. A written note intended as an explanation, illustration, or criticism of a passage in a book or other writing; an annotation.
b. A series of annotations or explanations.
c. A statement of fact or opinion, especially a remark that expresses a personal reaction or attitude.
a. An implied conclusion or judgment
b. Talk; gossip
As a kid I always hated dictionaries. The world I grew up in didn't have spell check. I would always complain to my mom and teachers, "How are you supposed to be able to look up a word if you don't know how to spell it in the first place?" It never made sense to me. A friend once gave me the "Bad Speller's Dictionary" but I guess I'm not that bad because I couldn't find words in that book either. The good news is that now I can type a word into places like and it will give me several options to choose from until I find the correct word. The thing that always amazes me about looking up words I think I already know the definition to is that I am usually surprised. Like comment. I never knew one of it's definitions is "Gossip". I certainly didn't know it could be a statement of fact!
When I worked at Blockbuster Video, I ran into the most astonishing phenomenon. There are a lot of video renters who are completely intimidated by the new release wall. Apparently, it only takes one bad movie to make them afraid they will end up picking another lemon. For some there is a lot of pressure. Maybe there is a group waiting at home and the movie you came for is gone, what should you do? Maybe you only have time to see one movie and you're overwhelmed with the idea that this one has to be good, or else. Whatever the reason, I would sit there and watch people stare at the new release wall until their eyes glazed. Or else, talk on their cell phone until they've read every cover box movie description, sometimes going back and reading most of them a second time, only to hang up frustrated. At BlockBuster, every employee had their own set of regular customers. Customers that would avoid any bit of personal choice and pressure (it's not my fault, the clerk recommended it). Said customer would seek out their most trusted employee and ask for a "Good" movie. At the end of a year of employment, not only was I the best at figuring out what movie a "stupid customer" was trying to find (True question, "It's like LA but it's not". The answer is "Keys to Tulsa". I noticed "2 Days in the Valley" and "Keys to Tulsa" had the same picture on their cover boxes), but I also had the most customers asking for "Good" movies. Apparently I have a knack for matching up people with movies. Instead of stars or thumbs, my movie rating system is very easy to understand.
"I loved it."= this, unfortunately, is not a term I use to rate most movies. This is for movies I could watch again and again and again.......and still laugh or still cry or still find something new.
"It didn't suck."= this is where the majority of movies fall. Movies that I didn't have to pay to see and they were ok. Movies that are amazing the first time but don't hold up to multiple viewings. Movies that made millions of dollars because everybody else loved it but I wasn't impressed. All of these types of movies fall into this category.
"It was 2 hours of my life I will never get back."= While I find it nearly impossible to turn off a movie just in case something good finally happens, I have turned off one and I can't even remember the title of it. Very few movies end up in this category. Right now, as I am typing, I can only think of four. Two of them won Oscars. "Breaking the Waves", "Monster's Ball", "Vulgar" and "The Neverending Story II". Monster's Ball, in particular, was nearly impossible to watch once Heath's character died, I came very close to shutting it off and walking away.
I remember at the Vulgerthon 2005 I met Bryan Johnson (aka Steve-Dave) in the theater's hallway. I asked him if he was anything like any of the characters he had played. He asked me if I had seen Vulger. Instead of answering with a simple, non embarrassing yes, I said "it was 2 hours of my life I will never get back.... God it was awful..... (pause).... no offence." I felt like such an idiot. I turned red and looked at the ground. He laughed. Someone nearby asked him what was so funny. Next thing I know, there are 20 people standing around as he retells his question and my answer. I wouldn't tell Spielberg that E.T. didn't suck, so why would I tell Mr. Johnson that Vulger was 2 hours of my life I would never get back. Long story short, I have never been able to make a long story short. I guess my high opinion of my high opinions was bound to bite me in the butt some day. I hope it doesn't' happen at this blog.....
My goodness you've had a lot to say. Well, I've read it.
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