Random Thoughts
When one drives alone at night for 7 days cross country, one usually ends up with afew random thoughts floating through their head. Here are afew of mine:
*Could the drool that comes out of my children's mouth be the elusive "fountain of youth"?
*Has the I-10 been repaved anytime in the last 70 years? How many patches, pot holes, cracks and tar squigglies does a road need before it's time to break down and throw a new surface on it? I was under the impression that I pay taxes for crap like that.
*After driving for 2 days through Texas, I gotta tell ya, to me, the sky seems just as big in New Mexico, AZ and CA, but the roads sure seem a lot narrower there.
*Texas, the road kill state
*New Mexico, the "are we there yet" state
*I don't think the best way to spread the gospel of Christ is to cut people off at 80 miles an hour with a "Got Jesus?" bumper sticker on your rear.
*What's the point of towing a Hummer? Is it so that everything you own can get 4 miles to the gallon?
*How well would Diet Coke mixed with Mentos propell the soda run car from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
*What are my kicks? (on route 66)
Well, that's it for now.... gotta get back to my kids and my cat. It's good to be almost home.