
This blog really is just the rantings, ramblings and what not of my own mind. *****Please be aware this blog is listed with the most recent post at the top so reading from top to bottom is a bit like reading a book backwards.

My Photo
Location: Anderson, California, United States

I'm a single mother of boy/girl twins. My first born is my cat Princess. I love my life (most of the time). I wake up every morning Grateful to be alive and healthy. Thank You God For Everything!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mildly Fixated

The last couple of days I've been mildly fixated on the Ads By Google Crawler. I want to take a moment to indulge my inner curiosity and see if I can put words down that will make it come up with something more interesting than what it's been posting lately which is a ton of "blog" related ads, boring.
So here goes my attempt to mess with the crawlers silliness:
First off, my crawlers are bawlers when they
Hit the chair or the air or drink Nair
But words can be funnier than that
More funnier than an English Grammer Cat in the Hat
This isn't a poem or a fishing trip whopper
With cheese Royal show stoppers
But that's Chicago for ya....

Which reminds me
If a Lawyers job is to razzle dazzle
Then what razzle dazzle's them?
but I digress, at best

Spring time has Hitler on Ice
Pretty nice
even if it's not as big as his
I'm still headed down the road with a miracle


Ok, it sucks as a poem (I think) but I tried to put in different word groupings to attract better ads. I guess we'll see, and by that I mean me, what happens.

Eagle Scout

Sometimes I sit in the quiet and try to make up quick and witty remarks so that in a conversation, I am prepared. like a bad nija, I train a lot but not every day. Today I got to use one of my favorites. Unfortunately, I don't think it played as well as it did in my head. The idea is that Boy Scouts are always prepaired for anything. In today's time, it's the modern era, the age of information, if you will. There for, people like me aren't full of useless information, we have a little bit of information on practically every subject, prepaired to join in any conversation... we are the modern Eagle Scouts!

Basically, I think the point at which it flops the most is the simple fact that I have to explain it to death before anyone outside of my brain will get it : (

Oh well, story of my life.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Ads By Google and Other Nonsence

First of all. Today, I'm checking Ramblings to see if I have any comments, which is, like, never, but I check anyway. The last entry was "Insanity" and the crawler for Ads By Google comes up with "How Romantic Are You". I must say, it's always good to start your day with a good laugh!

So last night I drove up to McArthur dropping off magazines for PrePaid Legal at various bulletin boards, post offices, restaurants, etc. Boy were the deer out last night!! It got me thinking about a study scientist published a few years back about rattle snakes. Apparently, because so many people have killed rattle snakes that rattled, the gene for not rattling is becoming more prevalent. So, you'd think there'd be a "crossing the highway gene" or something. I mean, if deer have been getting hit by cars for at least the last 60 years, you'd think that "natural selection" would mean that less deer are getting hit by cars. Apparently not.

On top of the fact that I nearly hit 2 deer, I was amazed how many people were still flying down the road. I'm all for the feeling you get when you're feeling the full engineering power/speed/control of a fancy shmancy new automobile, but a deer through your windshield has nothing to do with how well a vehicle handles curves and hills. Anyway, I gotta get back to work : )

Check out my other websites if you get a chance:



Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I believe I heard the definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over, each time expecting different results.

My kids are definitely driving me to the point of insanity. WHEN DO THEY LEARN TO EAT? I have to mop 5 times a day, give baths at least 1 a day (although it should probably be more), I just want to scream. Then people want to know why my lawn isn't mowed!! I have to admit, the dumped bowl over the head was adorable the first couple of times. I even took pictures. This morning, how ever, I almost started crying. I am happy. I love my kids. I'm grateful to all the wonderful people out there who have been gracious enough to lend me a hand, or some advice, or both, but I am also looking forward to having kids instead of toddlers. The other day at the grocery store, I had about 3 or 4 people say something to the effect of "don't you just love this age?". Actually not really. Secretly, I wish for teenagers. I know teenagers. I've worked with tons of them. Toddlers on the other hand, well, these are my first. Of course, they'll be teenagers soon enough. Hopefully I won't be sent to the padded room anytime soon, as they still need me and I'm lucky enough to have them : )

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Thought Cont.

So if a fart is really a burp from your butt, then is there anyone who can fart the alphabet?

Just A Thought

Thought for today:

A fart is like a burp for your butt.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


I just wrote a poem, "Upside Down". I feel rusty. It's been a while since I wrote a poem, but it's like riding a bicycle, I guess. You don't really ever forget how to do it, but your first time in awhile leaves you feeling awkward and sore. Mostly I'm posting again so soon because once I get this "Mother's Day" post off the first page, my blogs will fit next to the title selection again. While the Mother's Day post is pretty cool, I think, it's also too big to fit and I dunno how to resize it.

My rank at the poetry blog ranking web site is like, 22 out of 35 or some such thing. Mostly I think because I don't use this blog exclusively for writing poetry and nobody is bored enough to search the whole thing for a few poems.
FYI, most of my poems are listed in my first couple of post, so if that's what you're looking for, then go back to the beginning. I hope to post more new stuff as time marches on, but for right now, the bulk of it is posted way back in 2005.

Anyway, it's time for bed... fellow rankers, I salute you
feel free to leave a comment.
Peace. Out.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Upside Down

It's amazing to me
How totally
How completely
You mean to me

I don't mean to be trite
I don't want a fright
I can't imagine a sight
without your wonderous light

I smile
you smile
we smile
smile, smile, smile

you laugh
I laugh
we laugh
laugh, laugh, laugh

I sing
you look at me funny

You dance
I think you're a monkey

I teach you
upside down

you teach me
right side up

And the world disappears
away with your tears
away with my fears
'cause love always mirrors

the beauty and wonder of you

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I was just rereading this blog from the begining with my drooping eye lids, yawning, when I suddenly read something that made me laugh out loud (lol).

Saturday, July 02, 2005


The post above it has the poem "Winter" which I forgot how much I really like that poem... anyway, Life-n-Stuff starts out with me talking about giving up on my dreams and making new ones.... funny thing is, I DO have the two kids and the white picket fence. Now all I need is the second car and the dog, lol.
Anyway, good night.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Give Me A Rating

Poetry Blog Rankings

I'm not exactly sure how this rating thing works. I guess I get to find out. Apparently, you read the poetry posted on this blog and rate it at www.poetryblogrankings.com (you can click the banner above to get there). The funny thing is that I while I used to write tons of poetry, I haven't written anything in forever. If you want a sample, you can go to the very beginning of this blog, I've got a few written there. Now that they have this ranking thingy, I am inspired to write more and I'm inspired to go write. First I need to go back and see what I put on here a couple of years ago, when I started writing this blog. Then I can add some of my other stuff, and hopefully, write new stuff. My big dream for a long time was to have a book of poems published. Well, ever since Light In The Attic came out anyway, what, 1982? Wow, another thing to google. I am a total lover of google by the way. I know there was life before the internet, but sometimes I wonder if I ever really lived before google took over my brain. I randomly think something up, which reminds me of something and poof, I gotta know something about what I was reminded of - or - I gotta check my facts or get more info. The only other site that I think I use as much is IMDB... the second most wonderful data base of all time. If I was the guy who made Data (the character on Star Trek Next Generation) then he would use his entire special brain like matrex to talk in movie quotes or use movie references... that'd be awesome!!
Anyway, I'm totally exahusted, my cell phone is making noises that it needs to be pluged in and the twins wake up, ready for breakfast in 6 hours. I promise to post poetry soon, you promise to "rate" me : )

Friday, August 03, 2007

Dinner Is Served!

The wonderful woman who takes care of my kids, Lisa, also has a terrific veggie garden. She gave me some fresh, organic zucchinis Thursday. I was trying to come up with some way to serve it to the kids and came up with a new recipe! I guess we have a new family favorite, yea!

1 small russet potato (cubed)
1 small carrot (cubed)
1 small zucchini (cubed)
1/4 cup peas (I use frozen organic)

pan fry all the cubed veggies in organic olive oil (about a table spoon of olive oil in the pan)with a pinch of dried oregano, garlic powder and ground cloves.
I added the peas last since they come already cooked.

It was done when I could squish everything between my thumb and fore finger (since the kids don't really have any chewing teeth yet)

I served the pan fried veggies over beef flavored Top Romin noodles that I'd drained and cooled before serving.

There are times when I wish I had a camera handy, or my own personal "camera man" and tonight was one of them. I'd served the mostly naked, diaper clad kids in their high chairs and went back into the kitchen to get my drink and dinner. By the time I came back out to the kids, Drew was wearing most of his Romin noodles like tinsel on a Christmas tree. The bits of noodle he managed not to wear were decorating his high chair. Mean while, Syd was swinging a handful of noodles over her head like a Rodeo Queen about to get herself a goat. It was definitely a sight to behold. Perhaps next time I'll cut the noodles into smaller sections to make them more manageable.... naaaa, I'll set the video camera on the tri-pod and figure out how to upload it to YouTube!!

Busy day today. With the added laundry from yesterday's "Poopalapoza" and the fact that I cooked all of the kids meals today (much more messy than me feeding them out of a jar), it seemed like all I did, all day long, was C L E A N. I ended up giving the twins 3 baths, one after each meal. Which mean I got to dress them 3 time. Which means an extra load of laundry (which I'm doing as I'm typing this blog). I had a ton of dishes to wash (and no, they weren't from yesterday, they were from cooking today). I mopped the floor in the bathroom, kids' room, the play room and the dining area (actually, the dining area got done twice and I need to do it again), changed diapers, took out the trash,... I still need to get that friggin' letter off to my dad already. The lawn is a foot high but it's 104 today, F*#k That! My house looks like a perpetual disaster area...

On the other hand, I'm grateful I got to read to my kids today. I sang them songs. We played peek-a-boo. I enjoyed rocking them and holding them. Today I got to be a jungle gym with which my kids enjoyed climbing and playing on. I think I must've done "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" 20 times today. My son has a terrific laugh. My daughter has the cutest smile. Drew throws stuff at his sister and says "ut oh". Syd likes to focus on one toy and babble at it extensively. Oh ya, I posted on my two favorite forums, talked to a couple of friends on the phone, played games on yahoo, replied to emails, checked MySpace....

Basically, by the time I get dinner served, I'm ready to crash and stare blankly at my computer screen while pointing/clicking and I drink yet another can of Diet Coke. It never ceases to amaze me how totally exhausted I feel when I stop moving, and how completely energizing it is to be creative with my kids, myself and/or my friends.

Thank God For All Of The Wonderful Things In My Life Including My Kids, My Cat, My Family, My Friends, My Support, My House, My "Job",.....Thank You Thank You Thank You

I've got my new website all set up now. I'll post a banner ad that you can just point and click on some other time. In the mean time, here's the link and have a wonderful day!!


Thursday, August 02, 2007


This morning after I got the kids out of their cribs, gave them their sippy cups and scrambled eggs and finished cleaning up, I laid down and relaxed while the kids played. Just to give you a little bit of a picture, in the kids' room, the two cribs are end to end along the same wall as the door. My bed is an Ikea matress on the floor where I can look up and see them sleeping or awake. Next to my bed, directly across from the cribs, is a long dresser (three drawers wide) and the changing table. The two closets have built in drawrers under them so the floor of the closit is actually about a foot off the floor and the kids are now enjoying trying to climb up into them. Now, back to the scene. It's around 8:00 am. I'm laying in bed with my eyes closed and my brain somewhere between dream land and listenig to my kids play. I smell a poopy diaper, but it doesn't seem critical so I figure I will wait another 10-15 minutes to let which ever kid "finish up" (it's never any fun to change a poopy diaper, but it's frustraiting when you just changed a poopy diaper, only to find out they weren't done pooping yet). A few minutes later, I think, I should get to that diaper.... I need to modivate myself to get up now. My son took care of the modivation for me. He came over and crawled up on me, all happy and proud, with two beautiful poopy hands and a poopy smile. Apparenly, my daughter pooped in such a manor that the poop out flowed her diaper and my son was only too happy to help pick it up. Yuck!!
So I try hard not to freak out. There's poop smeared here and there and is all over the kids. Double Yuck! I hum and remind myself that there are several couples throughout the world who would love to have children who can't. I remind myself this everytime I feel like I'm losing my patients. I'm a very lucky person. I LOVE my kids..... literally, shit happens, lol. It doesn't, how ever, mean that poop all over is any less YUCKY!!
I took the kids to day care a little early so I could take care of the poopy room. I got back, decided to have a little breakfast and check my myspace email and what not. There was a bulletin about the I-35 bridge collaps in MN. CRAP. I'm really trying to not be pissed off. I'm really trying hard to not fly off the handle with a rant. I just cannot believe that they are trying to tell us that about 45% of the US bridges are "structrally deficient". Here's the thing.... if our government can come up with TRILLIONS of $$$$$ to pay for an unfavorable war, then wtf is the problem with paying for universal healthcare, public schools, bridges, food for the poor, public housing, levies.... you know, taking care of us??!!?? Why is it that we don't think twice about trying to helping someone out when a tragedy like this happends, but fuck 'em if they don't have medical insurance?? Forget about 'em if they can't feed their kids or themselves?? Why do we climb over ourselves to help out after the fact, but never seem to manage to take care of things to PREVENT tragedy in the first friggin' place? Katrina? I mean, come on... wtf were those people doing in the area that they needed to be rescued by helecopter in the first place? Why Couldn't We Figure Out To Bus People Out Of The Area BEFORE Katrina Hit? Why do we rescue the people from this MN bridge which is structually "deficient" instead of FIXING the F'ing Bridge so there isn't a problem in the first place???
I'm just so sick and tired of people trusting the government to take care of us. THAT's NOT Their Job!! It is NOT their job to take care of us like "father knows best". It is our job to tell them what we want them to do and their job to do it. I beg of anyone reading this.... pay attention to who you are voting for in the 2007 November Elections. Pay attention to who you are voting for in the 2008 Elections. You can make a difference by who you elect. You can make a difference by writing and volunteering. YOU JUST NEED TO DO IT instead of sitting on your butt complaining about the government. CRAP!! I'm tired of being surrounded by SHEEP waiting for their "shepard" to "save" them.

Here's a "joke".......

Big flood happening, lots of rescue work going on..... a boat pulls up to a roof to rescue a minister trapped there.
The minister says to the rescuer "please, go save someone else. I've prayed to God to save me. I'll be ok."
So the rescuer moves on.
Afew hours later, a guy on a personal water craft jets over and tells him to hop on, he'll take the minister to safty.
Once again, the minister tells the man "please, go look to save someone else. I've prayed to God to save me, I'll be fine".
The water level rised, the structure of the house is starting to loose it's structeral integrity and the minister clings to the chimney praying. A helecopter practically appears out of nowhere and sends down a latter. Over the loud speaker he hears instructions on grabbing it to be taken to safty.
The minister waves at the helecopter "please, go save someone else. I've prayed to God, I'll be ok"
While the helecopter is still there, the house collapses and the minister is quickly washed away and drowns. Up in heaven, the minister is supprised to be there. He asks, "what happened? You were supposed to save me!"
"What in the world else was I supposed to do? I sent you a boat, a personal water craft And a helecopter. It's not my fault you died."

"You can lead a man to knowlege, but you can't make him think" - Traci Roberti

Thank You Michael Moore, Air America, True Majority.org and other "Watch Dog" groups that keep us informed of the truth.
